Weekly US and UK Store Openings and Closures Tracker 2020, Week 41:  Allbirds and Wegmans Open New Stores
Store Trackers
Apparel and… Home and Ho…
Recent Report | October 9, 2020

Weekly US and UK Store Openings and Closures Tracker 2020, Week 41: Allbirds and Wegmans Open New Stores

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Our Weekly US and UK Store Openings and Closures Tracker reports on store closures, openings and bankruptcies. This week, there …

The Chinese E-Commerce Market
Event Presentations
Recent Report | October 8, 2020

The Chinese E-Commerce Market

Whats inside

On October 8, 2020, Coresight Research the panel for the opening keynote discussion at the first virtual Oktoberfest conference held …

10 Things To Know About the Perfect 10 Shopping Festival: Coresight Research Launches the Global 10.10 Shopping Festival
Insight Reports
Apparel and… Beauty Bran…
Recent Report | October 8, 2020

10 Things To Know About the Perfect 10 Shopping Festival: Coresight Research Launches the Global 10.10 Shopping Festival

Whats inside

Coresight Research is kicking off the 2020 shopping holiday season with the inaugural 10.10 Shopping Festival, in collaboration with shopping …

Holiday 2020: US Shopper Survey—How Shifting Spending Patterns Will Impact Retail—Infographic
Recent Report | October 8, 2020

Holiday 2020: US Shopper Survey—How Shifting Spending Patterns Will Impact Retail—Infographic

Whats inside

In 2020, the shape and scale of consumer demand during the holiday peak is less certain than ever. Our proprietary …

Holiday 2020: US Shopper Survey—How Shifting Spending Patterns Will Impact Retail
Deep Dives
Recent Report | October 8, 2020

Holiday 2020: US Shopper Survey—How Shifting Spending Patterns Will Impact Retail

Whats inside

Coresight Research’s recent survey provides a detailed update on US consumers’ holiday 2020 shopping expectations, with a focus on the …

Buy Now, Pay Later: A Growing Trend in Retail
Insight Reports
Recent Report | October 8, 2020

Buy Now, Pay Later: A Growing Trend in Retail

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“Buy now, pay later” (BNPL), a service that allows shoppers to break down purchases into monthly installments, has become a …

Three Things You Need To Know: Halloween 2020 US Retail Preview—Covid-19 Spooks Festivities and Haunts Retail
Recent Report | October 7, 2020

Three Things You Need To Know: Halloween 2020 US Retail Preview—Covid-19 Spooks Festivities and Haunts Retail

Whats inside

We present Three Things You Need To Know on Halloween 2020 US Retail Preview: Covid-19 Spooks Festivities and Haunts Retail.

RetailTech: Loss-Prevention Technology—Staying Ahead of the Bad Guys
Deep Dives
Recent Report | October 7, 2020

RetailTech: Loss-Prevention Technology—Staying Ahead of the Bad Guys

Whats inside

Loss of merchandise has multiple consequences for a retailer, including a reduction in profits from the missing items as well …

Nine Brands Approved To Sell on Tmall Global in Alibaba’s Go Global 11.11 Pitch Fest
Event Coverage
E-Commerce … Beauty Bran…
Recent Report | October 7, 2020

Nine Brands Approved To Sell on Tmall Global in Alibaba’s Go Global 11.11 Pitch Fest

Whats inside

Alibaba’s Go Global 11.11 Pitch Fest provides an opportunity for US brands to pitch their businesses to a panel of …

The Changing Retail Environment for Footwear​
Event Presentations
Recent Report | October 6, 2020

The Changing Retail Environment for Footwear​

Whats inside

On October 6, 2020, Coresight Research presented to the American Apparel & Footwear Association on the changing retail ernvironment for …

The 12 Weeks of Holidays: #2—The Global Shopping Festival of 10.10 Festivalizes Holiday 2020
Insight Reports
E-Commerce …
Recent Report | October 6, 2020

The 12 Weeks of Holidays: #2—The Global Shopping Festival of 10.10 Festivalizes Holiday 2020

Whats inside

We discuss the “festivalization” of holiday retail, with a focus on the new 10.10 Shopping Festival and Amazon’s Prime Day. …

Market Outlook: US Retail REITs—Recovery Under Pressure
Market Outlooks
Real Estate…
Recent Report | October 6, 2020

Market Outlook: US Retail REITs—Recovery Under Pressure

Whats inside

In this Market Outlook, we explore the recovery of the US retail REITs (real estate investment trusts) sector in a …

Three Things You Need To Know: US Home-Improvement E-Commerce—Retailers Accelerate Plans To Scale Online Operations
Recent Report | October 6, 2020

Three Things You Need To Know: US Home-Improvement E-Commerce—Retailers Accelerate Plans To Scale Online Operations

Whats inside

We present Three Things You Need To Know on US Home-Improvement E-Commerce: Retailers Accelerate Plans To Scale Online Operations.

How Has Covid-19 Impacted Omnichannel Fulfillment for Major US Store-Based Retailers?
Question of the Week
Recent Report | October 5, 2020

How Has Covid-19 Impacted Omnichannel Fulfillment for Major US Store-Based Retailers?

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QUESTION OF THE WEEK: How Has Covid-19 Impacted Omnichannel Fulfillment for Major US Store-Based Retailers?

10 Post-Crisis Retail Trends and Actions: Insights from the Dallas-Fort Worth Retailers Association September Meeting
Event Coverage
Apparel and… Department …
Recent Report | October 5, 2020

10 Post-Crisis Retail Trends and Actions: Insights from the Dallas-Fort Worth Retailers Association September Meeting

Whats inside

Deborah Weinswig, CEO and Founder of Coresight Research, presented at the Dallas-Fort Worth Retailers Association September Meeting, providing insights into …

US Survey Update: Consumer Behavior Proves Volatile Across Retail and Food Service (Select Findings)
Insight Reports
Recent Report | October 5, 2020

US Survey Update: Consumer Behavior Proves Volatile Across Retail and Food Service (Select Findings)

Whats inside

This free report features select findings from our latest survey of US consumers, undertaken on September 29, which asked respondents …

US Survey Update: Consumer Behavior Proves Volatile Across Retail and Food Service (Full Report)
Deep Dives
Recent Report | October 5, 2020

US Survey Update: Consumer Behavior Proves Volatile Across Retail and Food Service (Full Report)

Whats inside

Our latest survey report provides a detailed update on US consumers’ behaviors, concerns and expectations, with a focus on the …

Weinswig’s Weekly: The New 10.10 Shopping Festival To Kickstart the US Holiday Shopping Season
Weinswig’s Weekly
Recent Report | October 4, 2020

Weinswig’s Weekly: The New 10.10 Shopping Festival To Kickstart the US Holiday Shopping Season

Whats inside

This week’s note “From the Desk of Deborah Weinswig” discusses how the new 10.10 Shopping Festival will kickstart the holiday …