Oct 9, 2023
49 min

Weekly US and UK Store Openings and Closures Tracker 2023, Week 40: US Closures Up 77% vs. Last Year

Insight Report
Deep Dives

Scott Eneje

Our Weekly US and UK Store Openings and Closures Tracker reports on store closures, openings and bankruptcies.

Data in this research report include:

  • 2023 week-by-week comparisons of announced store closures and openings in the US and the UK
  • 2022 week-by-week comparisons of announced store closures and openings in the US and the UK
  • 2023 major US store closures and openings
  • 2023 major UK store closures and openings

Companies mentioned in this research report include: Versona, Tesco

Other relevant research:

The US

US retailers have so far announced 3,892 store closures and 4,962 store openings for 2023, up by 36 closures and up by 11 openings from last week.

The additional 36 store closures were led by:

  • Versona’s 30 store closures
  • Save Mart’s two store closures

In addition, ABC Fine Wine & Spirits, Staples, Wawa and Whole Foods Market announced the closure of one store each.

The additional 11 store openings were led by:

  • Costco Wholesale’s eight (additional) store openings

In addition, ABC Fine Wine & Spirits, Lidl and Versona announced the opening of one store each.

The UK

UK retailers have so far announced 1,432 store closures and 1,329 store openings for 2023, up by 18 closures and up by 43 openings from last week.

The additional 18 store closures were led by:

  • Tesco’s seven (additional) store closures
  • Mango’s four store closures
  • Clarks’ two (additional) store closures

In addition, Farmfoods, Frasers Group, Lidl, Morrisons and Under Armour announced the closure of one store each.

The additional 43 store openings were led by:

  • Tesco’s 27 (additional) store openings
  • Under Armour’s three (additional) store openings
  • The Range (additional) and Toytown’s openings of two stores each

In addition, Ann Summers, Boyes, Dr. Martens, Farmfoods, Jollyes, Morrisons, NIKE, Saltrock and TK Maxx announced the opening of one store each.



2023 Major US Store Closures and Openings

This week, we discuss store updates for ABC Fine Wine & Spirits, Costco Wholesale, Lidl, Save Mart, Staples, Versona, Wawa and Whole Foods Market. In light of these updates, our 2023 US store closure and opening counts stand at 3,892 and 4,962, respectively.

The charts below depict the week-by-week totals of US store closures and openings year to date in 2023 and 2022. For year-over-year comparisons, we are comparing closures and openings up to week 40 of 2023 and 2022, ended October 6, 2023, and October 7, 2022, respectively. Year to date in 2023, major US retailers have announced 8.8% more openings and 77.2% more closures compared to the same time last year.

2023 US Announced Store Closures and Openings: Week-by-Week Comparison


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Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 58 258.5585 A 4 4 0 1 1 58.00399999933334 258.55849800000016 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="5, 603. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 72 252.568333333333 A 4 4 0 1 1 72.00399999933333 252.56833133333316 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="6, 730. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 85 252.23816666666698 A 4 4 0 1 1 85.00399999933333 252.23816466666716 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="7, 737. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 98 238.512666666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 98.00399999933333 238.51266466666718 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="8, 1,028. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 111 232.899833333333 A 4 4 0 1 1 111.00399999933333 232.89983133333317 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="9, 1,147. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 124 228.466166666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 124.00399999933333 228.46616466666717 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="10, 1,241. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 137 223.891 A 4 4 0 1 1 137.00399999933333 223.89099800000017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="11, 1,338. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 150 209.976833333333 A 4 4 0 1 1 150.00399999933333 209.97683133333317 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="12, 1,633. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 163 208.51466666666698 A 4 4 0 1 1 163.00399999933333 208.51466466666716 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="13, 1,664. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 176 207.0525 A 4 4 0 1 1 176.00399999933333 207.05249800000018 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="14, 1,695. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 189 204.93 A 4 4 0 1 1 189.00399999933333 204.92999800000018 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="15, 1,740. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 203 204.033833333333 A 4 4 0 1 1 203.00399999933333 204.03383133333318 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="16, 1,759. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 216 178.37516666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 216.00399999933333 178.37516466667017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="17, 2,303. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 229 167.38533333332998 A 4 4 0 1 1 229.00399999933333 167.38533133333016 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="18, 2,536. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 242 166.20616666667001 A 4 4 0 1 1 242.00399999933333 166.2061646666702 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="19, 2,561. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 255 163.51766666666998 A 4 4 0 1 1 255.00399999933333 163.51766466667016 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="20, 2,618. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 268 163.23466666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 268.00399999933336 163.23466466667017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="21, 2,624. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 281 156.48983333333 A 4 4 0 1 1 281.00399999933336 156.4898313333302 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="22, 2,767. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 294 155.16916666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 294.00399999933336 155.16916466667018 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="23, 2,795. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 307 153.32966666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 307.00399999933336 153.32966466667017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="24, 2,834. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 320 153.18816666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 320.00399999933336 153.1881646666702 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="25, 2,837. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 334 146.11316666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 334.00399999933336 146.11316466667017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="26, 2,987. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 347 142.43416666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 347.00399999933336 142.43416466667017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="27, 3,065. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 360 137.4345 A 4 4 0 1 1 360.00399999933336 137.4344980000002 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="28, 3,171. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 373 125.54849999999999 A 4 4 0 1 1 373.00399999933336 125.54849800000015 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="29, 3,423. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 386 124.74666666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 386.00399999933336 124.74666466667016 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="30, 3,440. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 399 124.08633333333 A 4 4 0 1 1 399.00399999933336 124.08633133333016 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="31, 3,454. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 412 123.80333333332999 A 4 4 0 1 1 412.00399999933336 123.80333133333015 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="32, 3,460. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 425 123.23733333333001 A 4 4 0 1 1 425.00399999933336 123.23733133333018 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="33, 3,472. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 438 122.34116666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 438.00399999933336 122.34116466667017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="34, 3,491. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 451 117.10566666667 A 4 4 0 1 1 451.00399999933336 117.10566466667017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="35, 3,602. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 465 114.2285 A 4 4 0 1 1 465.00399999933336 114.22849800000016 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="36, 3,663. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 478 107.48366666666999 A 4 4 0 1 1 478.00399999933336 107.48366466667015 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="37, 3,806. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 491 106.72900000000001 A 4 4 0 1 1 491.00399999933336 106.72899800000017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="38, 3,822. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 504 105.12533333332999 A 4 4 0 1 1 504.00399999933336 105.12533133333015 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="39, 3,856. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#F44336" d="M 517 103.42733333333001 A 4 4 0 1 1 517.0039999993334 103.42733133333017 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="40, 3,892. Store Closure Count." style="outline: none;"></path><rect x="0.001999378204345703" y="256.3881530761719" rx="3" ry="3" width="12" height="12" fill="none" class="highcharts-focus-border" data-z-index="99" stroke="#334eff" stroke-width="2"></rect></g><g class="highcharts-series highcharts-series-1 highcharts-line-series" data-z-index="0.1" opacity="1" transform="translate(64,10) scale(1 1)" clip-path="url(#highcharts-n84rk6y-42-)" aria-hidden="true"><path fill="none" d="M 6.55 204.231666666667 L 19.65 203.71283333333298 L 32.75 203.61849999999998 L 45.85 201.731833333333 L 58.95 196.119 L 72.05 193.902166666667 L 85.15 193.336166666667 L 98.25 184.751833333333 L 111.35 161.027 L 124.45 125.74633333333 L 137.55 120.98249999999999 L 150.65 117.06766666667 L 163.75 111.97366666667 L 176.85 109.19083333333 L 189.95 106.87966666667 L 203.05 105.84200000000001 L 216.15 105.32316666667 L 229.25 100.08766666667 L 242.35 98.81416666666999 L 255.45 96.55016666667001 L 268.55 92.72966666667 L 281.65 91.45616666666999 L 294.75 90.93733333333 L 307.85 87.49416666667 L 320.95 87.11683333332999 L 334.05 86.92816666667 L 347.15 81.31533333332999 L 360.25 79.75883333332999 L 373.35 75.70249999999999 L 386.45 74.47616666667 L 399.55 73.62716666667 L 412.65 71.7405 L 425.75 71.55183333333 L 438.85 62.77883333333 L 451.95 60.98650000000001 L 465.05 58.533833333329994 L 478.15 56.599999999999994 L 491.25 49.9495 L 504.35 49.47783333333001 L 517.45 48.959" class="highcharts-graph" data-z-index="1" stroke="#4CAF50" stroke-width="1" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" filter="none"></path><path fill="none" d="M 6.55 204.231666666667 L 19.65 203.71283333333298 L 32.75 203.61849999999998 L 45.85 201.731833333333 L 58.95 196.119 L 72.05 193.902166666667 L 85.15 193.336166666667 L 98.25 184.751833333333 L 111.35 161.027 L 124.45 125.74633333333 L 137.55 120.98249999999999 L 150.65 117.06766666667 L 163.75 111.97366666667 L 176.85 109.19083333333 L 189.95 106.87966666667 L 203.05 105.84200000000001 L 216.15 105.32316666667 L 229.25 100.08766666667 L 242.35 98.81416666666999 L 255.45 96.55016666667001 L 268.55 92.72966666667 L 281.65 91.45616666666999 L 294.75 90.93733333333 L 307.85 87.49416666667 L 320.95 87.11683333332999 L 334.05 86.92816666667 L 347.15 81.31533333332999 L 360.25 79.75883333332999 L 373.35 75.70249999999999 L 386.45 74.47616666667 L 399.55 73.62716666667 L 412.65 71.7405 L 425.75 71.55183333333 L 438.85 62.77883333333 L 451.95 60.98650000000001 L 465.05 58.533833333329994 L 478.15 56.599999999999994 L 491.25 49.9495 L 504.35 49.47783333333001 L 517.45 48.959" data-z-index="2" class="highcharts-tracker-line" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="rgba(192,192,192,0.0001)" stroke-width="21"></path></g><g class="highcharts-markers highcharts-series-1 highcharts-line-series highcharts-tracker" data-z-index="0.1" opacity="1" transform="translate(64,10) scale(1 1)" clip-path="none" aria-hidden="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Store Opening Count, line 2 of 2 with 40 data points." style="outline: none;"><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 517 48.959 A 0 0 0 1 1 517 48.959 Z" class="highcharts-halo highcharts-color-undefined" data-z-index="-1" fill-opacity="0.25" visibility="hidden"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 6 200.231666666667 L 10 204.231666666667 L 6 208.231666666667 L 2 204.231666666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="1, 1,670. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 19 199.71283333333298 L 23 203.71283333333298 L 19 207.71283333333298 L 15 203.71283333333298 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="2, 1,681. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 32 199.61849999999998 L 36 203.61849999999998 L 32 207.61849999999998 L 28 203.61849999999998 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="3, 1,683. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 45 197.731833333333 L 49 201.731833333333 L 45 205.731833333333 L 41 201.731833333333 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="4, 1,723. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 58 192.119 L 62 196.119 L 58 200.119 L 54 196.119 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="5, 1,842. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 72 189.902166666667 L 76 193.902166666667 L 72 197.902166666667 L 68 193.902166666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="6, 1,889. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 85 189.336166666667 L 89 193.336166666667 L 85 197.336166666667 L 81 193.336166666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="7, 1,901. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 98 180.751833333333 L 102 184.751833333333 L 98 188.751833333333 L 94 184.751833333333 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="8, 2,083. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 111 157.027 L 115 161.027 L 111 165.027 L 107 161.027 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="9, 2,586. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 124 121.74633333333 L 128 125.74633333333 L 124 129.74633333333 L 120 125.74633333333 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="10, 3,334. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 137 116.98249999999999 L 141 120.98249999999999 L 137 124.98249999999999 L 133 120.98249999999999 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="11, 3,435. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 150 113.06766666667 L 154 117.06766666667 L 150 121.06766666667 L 146 117.06766666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="12, 3,518. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 163 107.97366666667 L 167 111.97366666667 L 163 115.97366666667 L 159 111.97366666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="13, 3,626. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 176 105.19083333333 L 180 109.19083333333 L 176 113.19083333333 L 172 109.19083333333 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="14, 3,685. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 189 102.87966666667 L 193 106.87966666667 L 189 110.87966666667 L 185 106.87966666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="15, 3,734. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 203 101.84200000000001 L 207 105.84200000000001 L 203 109.84200000000001 L 199 105.84200000000001 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="16, 3,756. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 216 101.32316666667 L 220 105.32316666667 L 216 109.32316666667 L 212 105.32316666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="17, 3,767. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 229 96.08766666667 L 233 100.08766666667 L 229 104.08766666667 L 225 100.08766666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="18, 3,878. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 242 94.81416666666999 L 246 98.81416666666999 L 242 102.81416666666999 L 238 98.81416666666999 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="19, 3,905. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 255 92.55016666667001 L 259 96.55016666667001 L 255 100.55016666667001 L 251 96.55016666667001 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="20, 3,953. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 268 88.72966666667 L 272 92.72966666667 L 268 96.72966666667 L 264 92.72966666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="21, 4,034. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 281 87.45616666666999 L 285 91.45616666666999 L 281 95.45616666666999 L 277 91.45616666666999 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="22, 4,061. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 294 86.93733333333 L 298 90.93733333333 L 294 94.93733333333 L 290 90.93733333333 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="23, 4,072. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 307 83.49416666667 L 311 87.49416666667 L 307 91.49416666667 L 303 87.49416666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="24, 4,145. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 320 83.11683333332999 L 324 87.11683333332999 L 320 91.11683333332999 L 316 87.11683333332999 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="25, 4,153. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 334 82.92816666667 L 338 86.92816666667 L 334 90.92816666667 L 330 86.92816666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="26, 4,157. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 347 77.31533333332999 L 351 81.31533333332999 L 347 85.31533333332999 L 343 81.31533333332999 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="27, 4,276. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 360 75.75883333332999 L 364 79.75883333332999 L 360 83.75883333332999 L 356 79.75883333332999 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="28, 4,309. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 373 71.70249999999999 L 377 75.70249999999999 L 373 79.70249999999999 L 369 75.70249999999999 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="29, 4,395. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 386 70.47616666667 L 390 74.47616666667 L 386 78.47616666667 L 382 74.47616666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="30, 4,421. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 399 69.62716666667 L 403 73.62716666667 L 399 77.62716666667 L 395 73.62716666667 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="31, 4,439. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 412 67.7405 L 416 71.7405 L 412 75.7405 L 408 71.7405 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="32, 4,479. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 425 67.55183333333 L 429 71.55183333333 L 425 75.55183333333 L 421 71.55183333333 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="33, 4,483. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 438 58.77883333333 L 442 62.77883333333 L 438 66.77883333333 L 434 62.77883333333 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="34, 4,669. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 451 56.98650000000001 L 455 60.98650000000001 L 451 64.9865 L 447 60.98650000000001 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="35, 4,707. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 465 54.533833333329994 L 469 58.533833333329994 L 465 62.533833333329994 L 461 58.533833333329994 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="36, 4,759. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 478 52.599999999999994 L 482 56.599999999999994 L 478 60.599999999999994 L 474 56.599999999999994 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="37, 4,800. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 491 45.9495 L 495 49.9495 L 491 53.9495 L 487 49.9495 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="38, 4,941. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 504 45.47783333333001 L 508 49.47783333333001 L 504 53.47783333333001 L 500 49.47783333333001 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="39, 4,951. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 517 44.959 L 521 48.959 L 517 52.959 L 513 48.959 Z" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1" class="highcharts-point" tabindex="-1" role="img" aria-label="40, 4,962. Store Opening Count." style="outline: none;"></path></g></g><g class="highcharts-exporting-group" data-z-index="3" aria-hidden="true"><g class="highcharts-no-tooltip highcharts-button highcharts-contextbutton" stroke-linecap="round" style="cursor: pointer;" transform="translate(10,10)"><title>Chart context menu</title><rect fill="#ffffff" class="highcharts-button-box" x="0.5" y="0.5" width="28" height="28" rx="2" ry="2" stroke="none" stroke-width="1"></rect><path fill="#666666" d="M 8 9.5 L 22 9.5 M 8 14.5 L 22 14.5 M 8 19.5 L 22 19.5" class="highcharts-button-symbol" data-z-index="1" stroke="#666" stroke-width="3"></path><text x="0" data-z-index="1" y="18.5" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: normal; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"></text></g></g><text x="299" text-anchor="middle" class="highcharts-title" data-z-index="4" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" y="25" aria-hidden="true"></text><text x="299" text-anchor="middle" class="highcharts-subtitle" data-z-index="4" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); 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cursor: pointer; font-size: 0.8em; text-decoration: none; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" y="17">Store Closure Count</text></g><g class="highcharts-legend-item highcharts-line-series highcharts-color-undefined highcharts-series-1" data-z-index="1" transform="translate(164.96875,3)"><path fill="none" class="highcharts-graph" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" d="M 0.5 13 L 15.5 13" stroke="#4CAF50"></path><path fill="#4CAF50" d="M 8 9 L 12 13 L 8 17 L 4 13 Z" class="highcharts-point" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="0" opacity="1"></path><text x="21" y="17" text-anchor="start" data-z-index="2" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: pointer; font-size: 0.8em; text-decoration: none; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Store Opening Count</text></g></g></g></g><g class="highcharts-axis-labels highcharts-xaxis-labels" data-z-index="7" aria-hidden="true"><text x="70.55" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">1</text><text x="96.75" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">3</text><text x="122.95" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">5</text><text x="149.15" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">7</text><text x="175.35" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">9</text><text x="201.55" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">11</text><text x="227.75" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">13</text><text x="253.95" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">15</text><text x="280.15" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">17</text><text x="306.35" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">19</text><text x="332.55" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">21</text><text x="358.75" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">23</text><text x="384.95" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">25</text><text x="411.15" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">27</text><text x="437.35" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">29</text><text x="463.55" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">31</text><text x="489.75" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">33</text><text x="515.95" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">35</text><text x="542.15" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">37</text><text x="568.35" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(0,0)" y="320" opacity="1">39</text></g><g class="highcharts-axis-labels highcharts-yaxis-labels" data-z-index="7" aria-hidden="true"><text x="49" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(0,0)" y="298" opacity="1">0</text><text x="49" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(0,0)" y="250" opacity="1">1k</text><text x="49" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(0,0)" y="203" opacity="1">2k</text><text x="49" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(0,0)" y="156" opacity="1">3k</text><text x="49" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(0,0)" y="109" opacity="1">4k</text><text x="49" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(0,0)" y="62" opacity="1">5k</text><text x="49" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); cursor: default; font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(0,0)" y="15" opacity="1">6k</text></g><g class="highcharts-label highcharts-tooltip highcharts-color-undefined" data-z-index="8" filter="url(#highcharts-drop-shadow-0)" style="cursor: default; pointer-events: none;" transform="translate(307,92)" opacity="0" aria-hidden="true" visibility="hidden"><path fill="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)" class="highcharts-label-box highcharts-tooltip-box" d="M 3.5 0.5 L 179.5 0.5 A 3 3 0 0 1 182.5 3.5 L 182.5 41.5 A 3 3 0 0 1 179.5 44.5 L 96.5 44.5 L 90.5 50.5 L 84.5 44.5 L 3.5 44.5 A 3 3 0 0 1 0.5 41.5 L 0.5 3.5 A 3 3 0 0 1 3.5 0.5 Z" stroke-width="1" stroke="#F44336"></path><text x="8" data-z-index="1" y="18" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-size: 0.8em; fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><tspan style="font-size: 0.8em;">26</tspan><tspan class="highcharts-br" dy="15" x="8">​</tspan><tspan style="color: rgb(244, 67, 54); fill: rgb(244, 67, 54);">●</tspan> Store Closure Count: <tspan style="font-weight: bold;">2,987</tspan><tspan class="highcharts-br">​</tspan></text></g></svg>

ABC Fine Wine & Spirits Opens One Store

Wine and alcohol retailer ABC Fine Wine & Spirits has closed one store year to date and opened one store in Boynton Beach, Florida, on September 28, 2023. The company operates 125 stores as of October 6, 2023.

Lidl Opens One Store

Discount grocery chain Lidl opened one store in Vienna, Virginia, on October 4, 2023. The opening takes the company’s US store count to 173.

Macy’s Announces Store Expansion Plan

Department store and beauty retailer Macy’s plans to open 30 small-format Macy’s stores in the next 18 months, starting from 2024. The company operates 506 Macy’s stores as of October 6, 2023.

Save Mart To Close One Store

Grocery retailer The Save Mart Companies has closed one Save Mart store year to date and plans to close one Save Mart store in Tahoe City, Nevada, on October 18, 2023. The closure will take its Save Mart store count to 79.

Staples To Close One Store

Office supply company Staples plans to close one store in Seattle, Washington, on November 17, 2023. The closure will take the company’s store count to 1,296.

Toys“R”Us Announces Store Expansion Plan

Toy retailer Toys“R”Us plans to open 24 stores in the US in 2024. The company also plans to open a store in Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Texas, in 2023. The one opening for 2023 has been tracked previously.

Versona Opens One Store

Women’s apparel and accessories retailer Versona has closed 30 stores year to date and opened one store in The Woodland Mall in Kentwood, Michigan, on September 28, 2023. The company operates 102 stores as of October 6, 2023.

Wawa Closes One Store

Convenience store chain Wawa closed one store in Hillsborough, New Jersey, on October 2, 2023. The closure takes the company’s store count to 1,026.

Whole Foods Market To Open One Store

Amazon-owned grocery retailer Whole Foods Market has closed one store and opened three stores year to date and plans to open one store in Jersey City, New Jersey, in November 2023. The openings have been tracked previously. The company operates 530 stores as of October 6, 2023.

Quarterly Store Openings/Closures Settlement

Costco Wholesale Provides Store-Count Update

Warehouse club Costco Wholesale opened five stores in the US in its fourth quarter, ended September 3, 2023. The company plans to open nine stores in the US in its first quarter, ending early December 2023. This update takes the company’s estimated calendar 2023 opening count to 18. The company operates 591 stores in the US as of September 3, 2023.

Non-Store-Closure News

Kohl’s Appoints New Senior Executive Vice President, Director of Stores

Department store chain Kohl’s appointed Fred Hand as its new Senior Executive Vice President, Director of stores, in September 2023. Hand most recently served as the CEO of Tuesday Morning from May 2021 to November 2022.

2023 Major US Store Closures and Openings

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